

Wait, make that Tuesday…

I worked kind of late at the computer last night. Then I surfed through
the channels on television and ended up watching The Pirates of Penzance
again, the 1983 movie version with Linda Ronstadt.

This time around I noticed something that must have just passed in and
out last time without me noticing it much, the number towards the end
of the operetta known as the "Patter Trio" and which was actually
borrowed for this version of Penzance from the G&S operetta Ruddigore.
This time I caught it —

So it really doesn't matter matter matter matter matter
So it really doesn't matter matter matter matter matter

I laughed like crazy.

Following Penzance I surfed around trying to find another movie to watch.
There really wasn't much, and I ended up watching 1984 starring John Hurt.
It is a very bleak and depressing movie. But then, it's 1984.

After about 50 minutes or so my attention started to drift. It wandered
from 1984 back to Gilbert & Sullivan, to the Patter Trio.

So it really doesn't matter matter matter matter matter
So it really doesn't matter matter matter matter matter

I decided to pass on the rest of 1984. I switched through channels
again, and happened this time to catch the beginning of Species. Marg
Helgenberger is in it, a great redhead, and the movie is one of her best
(and sexiest) roles. I watched it for a bit. But then my thoughts started
to drift again.

So it really doesn't matter matter matter matter matter
So it really doesn't matter matter matter matter matter

Gilbert and Sullivan were right, of course. I turned off the television.

If I were not a little mad and generally silly
I should give you my advice upon the subject, willy-nilly;
I should show you in a moment how to grapple with the question,
And you'd really be astonished at the force of my suggestion.
On the subject I shall write you a most valuable letter,
Full of excellent suggestions when I feel a little better,
But at present I'm afraid I am as mad as any hatter,
So I'll keep 'em to myself, for my opinion doesn't matter!