
I have to say, President-elect Obama is
a really nice guy. Just last Friday he
called me to ask how my mom was doing in
the hospital. And he seemed greatly relieved
to hear that she was doing okay and in fact
improving. Barack (he wants me to call him
that now) asked me if there was anything else
that I needed. When I happened to mention that
I could use some cigarettes, he Fed-Ex'd me
a carton of Marlboro 100s overnight. And
when he heard how tough it has been for
me to get my shit together and do the dishes
and laundry and stuff, he mentioned that he
was friends with a couple of people in Paris
and that he would try to help me get in that
French maid that I've been needing. He also
found out that I had to go up to the hospital
for an x-ray, and he sent his own official
limousine to take me up there. I have to admit,
it was really cool riding in the limo and talking
with the Secret Service agents.

Of course, he really can't help me get the
dental work I need to get done. And I doubt
that a Dental plan would be included in any
National Health Plan, even assuming he could
get one passed. I guess even President-elect
Obama's powers are limited.

Barack has done a lot for me, even in just
the few days since the election. In fact,
if I'm still alive by the 2012 election,
I might just vote for the guy.